
Kyle Sheridan

Game Developer / Software Engineer

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About Me

I’m a Birmingham City University graduate with a passion for technology, hardware and software. Currently studying Computer Games Technology with a predicted grade of a First Class Honours.


Birmingham City University

Sept 2019 - Sept 2022

Bachelor of Science in Computer Games Technology

Predicted Grade: First Class Honours

  • Data Structes and Algorithms - Developped an algorithm to find the optimal route between two nodes on a directional graph.

  • C++ Programming for Games - Created a 2D shooter game using C++ and SDL2. The player must defeat as many waves of enemy as they can before dying.

  • Programming for Game Engines - Created a game scene using C++ and OpenGL to load and render models, and implement a camera to move around the scene.

  • Console Game Development - Developed and optimised a game targeted specifically for the PlayStation4 platform and PC.

  • Final Year Project

  • Procedural Generation of Caves using Cellular Automata and Brownian Motion - Created an algorithm to generate caves, with the aim of determining whether this method could be used to save time and production costs throughout the game development pipeline. The program had an emphasis on being easy to use while still giving the user a good amount of control.
  • De Montfort University

    Oct 2015 - Sept 2017

    Cert HE in Mathematics

  • Foundations and Algebra - Introduces fundamental algebraic providing core knowledge of linear algebra and descrete mathematics.

  • Mathematical Methods - Introduces the theoretical foundations of Calculus and Mathematical Analysis that can be used to solve real-world problems.

  • Business Decision Making - Introduces fundamental decision mathematics such as project management techniques (e.g. CPM, PERT) and linear programming.

  • Mathematical Modelling with Computers - Learned an understanding on how computer science relates to mathematics and how mathematical models can be developed, using the algorithms and data structures available in the C++ standard library.
  • Projects

    Procedural Generation of Caves using Cellular Automata and Brownian Motion

    Created an algorithm using Fractional Browinian Motion particles to carve out cave structures inside a 3D Cellular Automata grid. Algorithms for smoothing and connecting rooms are used to finalise the environments. The Marching Cubes algorithm is then used to create the mesh.

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    Computer Graphics

    Created a project to render graphics using 2 deferent methods: rasterisation and ray tracing. This was created using C++ and made use of Multi-threading and Spatial data structures.

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    Machine Learning - Handwritten Numbers

    Creaded a Neural Network and used it to recognise handwritten digits from the mnist dataset.

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    Artificial Intelligence for Games

    A steath game where the player has to avoid CCTV cameras and drones. Showcases some common implementations of AI in games, such as Finite State Machines, Behaviour Trees and Boids.

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    Wrath of the Aliens

    A 2D alien shooter where the player has to survive endless waves of aliens attacking the spaceship. When the player defeats a wave of enemies, the next wave will have stronger enemies in higher numbers. Created using C++ and SDL2.

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